Abbey Hospice - February Expert Article

Posted By: Carson Cheney Member Expert Articles,

  Abbey Hospice is proud to be celebrating 25 years of service to Walton County and the surrounding communities this month. Twenty-five years of holding our community close in their biggest time of need has significantly impacted the team at Abbey Hospice. We are truly privileged to have our patients and their families touch our hearts every single day. We are also incredibly proud to be the only local hospice to own and operate our own inpatient unit for individuals who need Inpatient Hospice level of care. An incredible benefit of this facility is that we utilize it to provide Respite Care for our Home Hospice patients and it means that families always know where their loved ones are going to be and who is going to care for them while the family gets some time to recover from caregiving. It is a rare occurrence to find a privately owned and operated inpatient unit and even more rare to find a hospice company that does not contract beds at a nursing home for respite care.  

    At Abbey Hospice, we believe in dignity and comfort from compassionate care for those who need it most. The biggest challenges for our business are timing the start of hospice care early enough that the patient gets full benefits and educating the community about how hospice helps. Families, physicians, friends and loved ones all seem to naturally shy away from discussions surrounding death and dying. The truth is we will all face an end to the lives we are blessed with. Hospice helps you choose how you or your loved one will come to pass. Hospice is a gift for terminal patients with six months or less life expectancy. It is not only for those who are actively dying. In fact, it is structured to benefit those whose life expectancy is limited to six months or less according to their physician. Abbey Hospice sees end of life care as a gift because of the immeasurable benefits we provide to those who need comfort, care, and dignity the most. It is our privilege to ensure the natural, peaceful passing of those who trust us with their care at the end of life.  

    If you, a loved one, a friend, acquaintance, medical facility or provider(s) have any questions or would like to schedule an educational visit about hospice care, contact Carson Cheney with Abbey Hospice at 770-464-5858 today!